Tuesday, October 2, 2012


During our reading of "Zebra" by Chaim Potok, we learned a lot about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.  In the United States, there are many memorials, all paying homage to different people or events.

Research one of these memorials and share the information with us here.  A list of National Memorials can be found on the internet.

Choose a memorial from the list and answer the following quesitons in a paragraph or paragraphs:
1. Where is it located?
2. Who or What does it honor?
3. How was it funded, or paid for?
4. When was it dedicated?
5. Who designed it?

You may also include additional information that you find noteworthy, such as how many visitors the memorial recieves or how long it took to build.

Be sure to cite any sources you use at the bottom of your post. You can use EasyBib to help generate your citations.

Please feel free to comment about other students posts. 


  1. I decided to post it on Google Docs mainly due to the fact that if I just put it here the formatting would be messed up.


    "Lincoln Memorial." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Sept. 2012. Web. 02 Oct. 2012.

    1. To view Ashank's project, copy and paste the address into the URL bar and hit enter. The document will open up automatically.

  2. I post it on Google Docs Darshan patel homeroom 309 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IOGgUXmd9X9e8VeO00zpfuIb69WXE8wb-5uSR0882sQ/edit

    1. Make sure you proofread your writing before you submit it. There are many mistakes with Capitalization and Punctuation that you need to address. Some of your sentences are also fragments which makes your report difficult to read.
      A list of resources was required to show where you got your information from.

  3. Katherine Halicki Block 2

    The Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, also known as The Gateway Arch, is a very important piece of architecture. It is located in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. This memorial honors and commemorates the Louisiana Purchase, the westward movement of American explorers and pioneers, the first civil government west of the Mississippi River, and the debate over slavery raised by the Dred Sott case. The memorial consist of an 91 acre park along the Mississippi River. The memorial was designed by Eero Saarinen. The monument was dedicated on October 17th, 1965. The hight of The Gateway Arch is 630 feet. The memorial was funded by Auguste Chouteau because he purchased the land the monument was built on.

  4. Kaitlyn Keister
    Reading/Writing- Block 3

    Benjamin Franklin Memorial

    This memorial is located in the rotunda of The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Benjamin Franklin Memorial was built in honor of Benjamin Franklin himself. It was funded or paid for by Poor Richard Club, the City Board of Trust. It was dedicated in 1938. The memorial was sculpted by James Earle Fraser but designed by John T. Windrim.

    Some additional Information would be that in 2008 the Memorial underwent a $3.8 million restoration that included the installation of a multi-media presentation about Philadelphia's most famous citizen. Also it was designated by the United States Congress in 1972 as the official national memorial to Franklin.

    He invented numerous things (most famously bifocals, the lightning rod, and the Franklin stove). He also accomplished his kite-and-key experiment. This proved lightning to be electricity which may be harnessed. Also he wrote Poor Richard's Almanac and his autobiography.










  5. Julia Cleary
    Block 3
    The Lincoln Memorial

    The Lincoln Memorial was built to honor the 16th president of the United Stated, President Abraham Lincoln. It is located at the west end of the National Mall in Washington D.C. The exact address of the memorial is Independence Avenue SW & 23rd Street SW, Washington D.C. 20001. It stands about 190 feet long, 119 feet wide, and nearly 100 feet tall!
    The memorial was designed by Henry Bacon and sculpted by Daniel Chester French. The statue of Lincoln is made of Georgian Marble and the memorial itself is made of Indiana Limestone and Colorado Yule Marble. The process of building the memorial took about eight years (from 1914-1922). The dedication ceremony of this memorial was on May 30, 1922. Two members of Congress decided a memorial should be built to honor Lincoln. President William Howard Taft signed a Lincoln Memorial bill on February 11, 1911 to fund the memorial.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Katelyn Bottcher
    Block 3

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

    The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial honors none other than Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States of America. It was built because FDR led America in the right direction during the Great Depression and World War 2. You can visit this attraction on West Basin Drive, off Ohio Drive SW. A man named Lawrence Halprin was the designer for this memorial. The monument was paid by William B. Walsh, Construction Company of Rockville, Maryland, as well as the National Organization of Disability. Plus, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission held a fundraiser to help pay. Finally, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial was dedicated on May 2, 1997, by President Bill Clinton.

    "FDR Memorial in Washington D.C." About.com 20th Century History. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. .

    "FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL." National Caption Region. N.p., 26 Aug. 1997. Web. 6 Oct. 2012.

    "Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Sept. 2012. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt_Memorial

  8. Irene Chu
    Block 3

    Mount Rushmore National Memorial

    The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is located in Keystone, South Dakota. It was built to honor Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Each of the presidents' faces are around 60 feet (18 meters) tall.
    Mount Rushmore was originally designed by Danish-American Gutzon Borglum. Following his death in 1941, the completion of the memorial was left to his son, Lincoln Borglum. The memorial was dedicated on August 10, 1927 and President Calvin Coolidge, who was at the dedication, promised to pay for the memorial with federal funding.
    However, Gutzon Borglum initially intended for the Mount Rushmore Memorial to depict the four presidents from the head down to the waist, but there was still lack of funds so Mount Rushmore was left with just the four faces. After fourteen years of carving Lincoln finished his father's work with the money he had available to him and the Mount Rushmore National Memorial's construction was finally finished in the October of 1941.

    "Mount Rushmore." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 May 2012. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. .

    Nps.gov. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2012. .

  9. Claudia Jodlowski 10/6/12
    Block 3
    The National World War Two Memorial honors the 16,000,000 brave soldiers, those who survived and died, who fought in the armed forces during the brutal World War Two. It is located in Washington D.C. in the National Mall. It is located between the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument and is on the former site of the Rainbow pool, on the eastern side of the Reflecting Pool. The memorial was dedicated on May 29, 2004 but was opened to the public a month earlier on April 29, 2004.
    It was funded by the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush but individual Americans helped out as well. Companies and corporations helped out as well such as; American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge and many others. The U.S government provided about $16,000,000 and about $167,000,000 was raised.
    In 1997 Fredrich St.Florian’s designs was picked for the memorial and was altered during the review and approve process. His design now consists of 56 granite pillars, each having one of the 48 states of 1945 and 8 of the US territories. It also has two 43ft archways one inscribed with Atlantic and the other Pacific all snugly fit into a semi-circle.
    National WWII Memorial." National WWII Memorial. N.p., 2003. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. .

    World War II Memorial." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Aug. 2012. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. .

  10. Mia Scerbo
    Block 2

    Lincoln Memorial

    The Lincoln Memorial is located in West Potomac Park in Washington, DC. It is dedicated to the very Abraham Lincoln himself, and was built three years after his death. The Lincoln Memorial is funded by the United States Congress. It was dedicated through the years of 1912-1922. The creative, and artistic people that built this memorial are Henry Bacon (the architect) and Daniel Chester French (the sculptor). I believe that the Lincoln Memorial would be a great place to visit, and I hope to Visit it myself one day.

  11. John Piccinic
    Block 3

    Benjamin Franklin national memorial
    The Benjamin Franklin memorial is a great example of how America can do anything. The memorial is located at the rotunda of the Franklin institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It clearly honors Benjamin Franklin for all the of the great engineering and other feats he has accomplished. The secretary of the interior provided most of the money for the renovations in 2008 and the poor Richards club provided the money for it to be made. It was dedicated in 1938. It was designed by John T. Windrim and sculpted by James Earle Fraser between 1906 and 1911.

    Additional information is in 2005 3,638,308 people visited the memorial. The Benjamin Franklin memorial is not placed on the national registration of historical places. It is actually placed on It actually affiliates with the national services.

    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin_National_Memorial
      John Piccinic

    2. National Memorial and Franklin Institute should be capitalized. Who was the Secretary of the Interior that provided the funding? The first sentence in your additional information paragraph is awkwardly worded and puncuated incorrectly: Addtional information about the memorial includes that in 2005, 3,638,308 people visited the memorial. You should also explain why it's not on the national registry and re-read your last sentence...Proofread!

  12. Alexandra Sevinsky
    Block 3

    The Thomas Jefferson Memorial:
    The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is located in Washington D.C. and is situated in West Potmac Park. This memorial honors Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States and an American Founding Father. Congress helped provide the money for the Jefferson Memorial to be built. On April 13, 1943 President Farnklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the finished memorial. The artisitc designers of the Jefferson Memorial were John Russell Pope, and his partners Daniel P. Higgins and Otto R. Eggers. The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is a beautiful sight to see and I suggest you visit it!


    1. Alexandra Sevinsky
      Block 3

      I meant to write *Franklin D. Roosevelt.

  13. The National 9/11 Memorial
    By: Matthew Pinho
    The National 9/11 Memorial is a sacred place where many innocent lives were lost because of a terrorist group called Al Qaeda. This memorial is located in New York City at the site where the World Trade Center used to be. Thousands of people who perished on 9/11 are honored at this Memorial. Thousands of firefighters and citizens’ lives were lost when the twin towers collapsed. It was a horrible day to remember but at least now those who were died can rest in peace. The World Trade Center Memorial Foundation Inc. are the people who funded the National 9/11 Memorial. They raised funds and managed the planning and construction of this Memorial. This Memorial was first dedicated on September 11th 2011; on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. On this day it was only open for the victims’ family members. Then it was opened again to the public the following day. Most importantly, an American architect named Michael Arad that works for Handel Architects designed this Memorial. His design was chosen from the design competition for the Memorial, just like Maya Lins’ design was chosen for the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. So now we can visit the 9/11 Memorial to honor the people who lost their lives on 9/11 and to let them know that we still remember and that we will stand strong as a nation.

  14. Matthew Mariner
    Block: 3
    Mount Rushmore

    Mount Rushmore is a monument in Keystone, South Dakota that memorializes four presidents that served this country well. The four presidents on the monument are (left to right) are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. These four presidents also represent the first 150 years of the United States. This colossal monument was mostly paid for by wealthy people donating large donations. This almost paid the nearly million dollar project. In the process of the creation the constructors used many sticks of dynamite and a process called honeycombing. This monument took four-teen years to complete (10/4/1927-10/31/12). Also the great mastermind who came up with the idea was Gutzlum Borglum and Doane Robinson. Robinson came up with idea of the faces being carved but Borglum came up with who is on it. So overall this was a great memorial that memorizes the four great presidents of the United States of America.

    "Mount Rushmore." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2012. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

  15. Tomiya Legaspi
    Block 3

    Mount Rushmore

    The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a memorial located in Keystone, South Dakota. Mount Rushmore features 60 feet heads of U.S. presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Mount Rushmore was built to honor these 4 presidents and to represent the first 150 years of history in the U.S.

    Mount Rushmore was made by Danish-American Gutzon Borglum and his son Lincoln Borglum. Construction began on October 4, 1927 and the faces were completed through 1934 to 1939. President Coolidge signed a bill for federal funding for Mount Rushmore. When Gutzon died in 1941, his son took over for 7 months but had to finish it up because money was low. The main idea of Mount Rushmore was to make it head to waist, unfortunately, they couldn't. Mount Rushmore was completed on October 31, 1941 and dedicated on August 10, 1927.



  16. Natalia Goralczyk
    Block 2
    Thomas Jefferson Memorial

    Thomas Jefferson Memorial is located in Washington D.C at West Potomac park. Construction began in the 1938. The memorial was built to honor the third president Thomas Jefferson. The completion of the Tidal Basin Inlet Bridge helped build the memorial. It was dedicated in 1943. John Russell Pope and Fredrick law Olmsted, Jr designed Thomas Jefferson memorial. It was modeled after the Pantheon of Rome. On November 13, 1939 there was a ceremony where President Roosevelt laid a cornerstone of the memorial. There were a few changes to the memorial, the most important one was the replacement of the model statue of Thomas Jefferson. At night it lights up and has a beautiful view of the water. It looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  17. Tahyla Bulek-Costa Block 2 10/8/10
    The Lincoln Memorial
    The Lincoln Memorial was built by the 16th president of the United States. This memorial is located on the Nation Mall in Washington D. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. It was designed by Henry Bacon, sculpted by Daniel Chester French, and was painted by Jules Guerin. This memorial honors Abraham Lincoln. It also honors freedom since Abraham Lincoln was President during the Civil War. This memorial was funded my president Taft providing over $2 million funds for the memorial. Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in the year of 1867. It was opened publicly in 1910. From there on there has been over millions of visitors. Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have A Dream” speech to the crowd by The Lincoln Memorial in 1963? The Lincoln Memorial must be a neat place to visit.

  18. Faiz Silat
    Block 2
    I did my report on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. The memorial is located in West Potomac Park in Washington DC. It honors the one and only Martin Luther King Junior. Martin Luther King Jr. was the person who helped the African Americans to freedom. This Statue needed 10 million dollars to build which the United States Congress funded. The memorial was dedicated to Martin Luther king Jr. on October 16th, 2011.
    The Martin Luther king Jr. memorial was designed by Lei Yixin. Some fun fact about the monument is its opening date to the public was October 16th, 2011. Its height is 30ft high. The material used to make the memorial is white granite.

  19. Niall El-Adawy
    Block 3

    Flight 93 Memorial
    Southeast of Pittsburgh in the State of Pennsylvania, there lay the crash site of Flight 93. On September 11th 2001 Flight 93 was the only plane that DIDN’T crash near its intended target. It would have if the passengers hadn’t overrun the terrorists and taken over the cockpit crashing the plane into the field. There were no survivors.
    Located in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania a National Memorial now stands for people to go and visit. It honors the men and women aboard the flight who took their own lives to save hundreds of others. Designed by Paul Murdoch Architects, the initial design was met with much controversy but after making amendments it was approved. The new design is described by Mr. Murdoch as follows:
    "The image is an aerial view from the bowl looking towards the Sacred Ground. To the left in the background, a walkway approaches from an arrival court along the edge of and overlooking the Sacred Ground. The walkway eventually widens in from a ceremonial gate, shown in bronze, and the wall of names, composed of 40 panels of 3-inch (7.6 cm)-thick slabs of polished white granite, 8 feet (2.4 m) tall, each inscribed with a name of the 40 heroes. Two walls flanking the gate are clad in polished white granite and the flight path is paved with black granite. Beyond the gate is the impact site, shown planted with wildflowers, and the hemlock grove beyond."

    The construction of this Memorial is ongoing. Funds continue to be needed and raised. It currently has raised funds of $20 million in anonymous donations, another $18.5 million from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Congress allocated $10 million and is being asked for $3.7 million more and former President Bill Clinton is committed to raising $10 million. The total cost of construction is estimated to be $60 million dollars! The first phase of the Memorial was officially dedicated on September 10, 2011, one day before the 10 year “anniversary” of 9/11. Flight 93 Memorial is now open to anyone who wishes to visit and as more is still to come.


  20. The Lincoln Memorial
    Claudia Trautmann

    The Lincoln Memorial was built to honor Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, and also all the people that he freed from slavery during his presidency. Abraham Lincoln was president from March 4th, 1861 to when he was assassinated on April 15th, 1865. The memorial was given $2,000,000 funds from president Taft during it's construction from 1914 to 1922. The memorial was designed by Henry Bacon, an architect from New York, and was based on a Greek temple with 36 columns The memorial was dedicated in May of 1922 and is still a popular tourist attraction today.

    "Lincoln Memorial." A View on Cities. 2012. Web. 8 Oct. 2012.

  21. Kaitlyn Ferreira
    October 8, 2012

    Wright Brothers National Memorial

    The Wright Brothers National Memorial is located in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. This Memorial honors the first successful powered flight in an airplane made by Wilbur and Orville Wright. In the 1920s, a group of North Carolinians organized the Kill Devil Hills Memorial Assocation to realize and help protect the site of the Wright brothers' experiments on the Outer Banks. North Carolina Congressman Lindsay C. Warren joined local efforts to create a monument honoring the Wright Brothers and with the help of Senator Hiram Bingham of Connecticut, President of the National Aeronautical Society, they introduced a $50,000 sponsoring bill to build the memorial. On March 2, 1927 President Calvin Coolidge signed the bill authorizing the Kill Devil Hill Monument National Memorial. . The design of the memorial with a budget of $213,00 construction started in October 1931 and completed in November 1932. November 14, 1932 was the selected day for the dedication. Orville Wright was the main guest of honor at the ceremony.


  22. Mount Rushmore
    Christopher Hohil
    Block 3

    Mount Rushmore

    Mount Rushmore, one of the best known monuments in the United States, is located in Keystone, South Dakota. It recognizes the patriotic acts done towards the four presidents George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, who also represent the first 130 years of America. The main idea of carving famous people into the Black Hills to receive more tourism overall, was originally thought of by historian Doane Robinson, but the sculpting of the four presidents was done by Gutzon Borglum, and his son, Lincoln Borglum. August 10, 1927 is when the monument was dedicated, and during the dedication, the monument was to be funded by president Coolidge, whom which attended the dedication.

    Interesting Fact:
    The "Blue Flax" is a flower commonly found at Mount Rushmore during the late stages of spring, or early summer. American Indians used the seeds from this plant to flavor there food.




  23. Christina Blauvelt
    Block 3
    Mount Rushmore

    Mount Rushmore is a mountain with the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln carved on it. It is located in Pennington County, South Dakota. Mount Rushmore honors these four national presidents. It was paid for by the government (federal funded). This mountain was dedicated in 1991 when president George H. W. Bush officially dedicated it. In The designer of this sculpture is Doane Robinson. Annually, over three million people visit the memorial. Mount Rushmore is also South Dakota’s top tourist attraction. It is largely composed if granite. The entire memorial covers 1,278.45 acres and is 5,725 feet above sea level. After securing the federal funding, construction began in 1927. The presidents’ faces were completed between 1934 and 1939.

    "Mount Rushmore." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .

  24. Ashley Lourenco
    October 8, 2012 Block 2

    Jefferson Memorial

    The Jefferson Memorial is located in Washington D.C at West Potmac Park. This memorial is build in honor of the third president of the United States, the guy who signed the Declaration of Independence;Thomas Jefferson. The memorial had the completion of the Tidal Basin Inlet Bridge in 1908 help build up Jefferson Memorial. The plan was never funded/paid for by Congress.
    This historical memorial was dedicated in April 13th, 1943. The person who designed the memorial started in 1938 by the architect John Russell Pope and John McShain... Learning all these facts about the Jefferson memorial makes me want to go see it some day. There is a lot of facts and history behind this marble building!



  25. Brittany Walker
    Block 3
    Benjamin Franklin National Memorial

    The Benjamin Franklin Memorial is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The memorial honors Benjamin Franklin the inventor himself! The memorial was funded by The Franklin Institute. It was dedicated to him in 1938. The designer of the memorial is John T. Windrim. Did you know that it was built in 1912, it's 6.1m tall, it was sculpted by James Earle Fraser between 1906-1911, weighs 30 short tons and stands on white seravazza marble?


  26. Danielle Bacalhau
    Block 3
    Mount Rushmore
    Mount Rushmore

    Mount Rushmore is located in Pennington County, South Dakota. Mount Rushmore honors George Washington (1st president of the U.S), Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt (26th president of the U.S), and Abraham Lincoln (16th president of the U.S). The monument was funded by federal funds. This monument was to help South Dakota’s economy, by bringing in tourists. This monument started being built in 1927. 14 years later (1941) the monument was finished. This monument was designed by Gutzon Borglum, an architect and a sculptor at the age of 60.
    "Mount Rushmore." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .
    Support EasyBib! Try Premium!

  27. Flight 93 Memorial

    There were 4 planes that got hijacked on 9/11, one of those planes was Flight 93. The memorial is located in Stonycreek Township, PA about 150 miles northwest from Washington, DC. It honors all the 40 victims killed in the crash as well as the rest of the 9/11 victims. 4 other people were included along with the 40 other people but those were hijackers, I don't think people would honor them even if they died. Congress paid 3.7 million dollars out of the total 60 million. President George G. Bush hosted a fundraiser to achieve the rest. It was dedicated on September 10, 2011. The memorial was designed by a team led by Paul and Milena Murdoch of LA.


    "Flight 93 National Memorial." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .

  28. Amy Sheridan
    Block 2
    Benjamin Frankin Memorial

    This memorial that stands 20 feet tall and weighs 30 tons is located in the rotunda of the Franklin Institute, in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. It honors the great inventor Benjamin Franklin,and is funded by the Poor Richard Club and the City Board of Trust. The memorial was dedicated in 1938, and was designed by John T. Windrim. The statue was also modeled after the Pantheon in Rome. Today the memorial still stands in the Franklin Institute and reminds tourists about the American statesman, writer, and inventor also known as Ben Franklin.

  29. Shriya Bhatt
    Block 3

    The Lincoln Memorial
    The Lincoln Memorial is located on the National Mall in Washington D.C. It happens to be located just across from the Washington Monument. This Lincoln Memorial honors the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. It was also made to honor and remember the Great Emancipator, the man who was the champion of black freedom and who supported the social equality of races, and fought the Civil War to free slaves. However, a memorial that large takes a lot of money to build. The Lincoln Memorial was paid for by President Taft. He signed the Lincoln Memorial Bill in 1911 that gave the memorial 2 million dollars in funding for it to be constructed. Personally, I think that money was wisely spent, because the memorial turned out to look phenomenal, and it was built to honor a spectacular person. The memorial was dedicated on February 12, 1914, and the construction began the following month. I can imagine that must have been an exciting national event! The dedication ceremony would have symbolized the start of the construction of a huge monument that 2 million dollars had been spent on! People were probably anticipating how it would turn out, and whether it was good enough to honor one of the fathers of our country. It turned out to be better than good though, don't you think? But, the monument didn't just build itself, or design itself either, for that matter. The architect of the memorial was a man named Henry Bacon. I hold quite an amount of respect for him, because he never backed down or got discouraged from this enormous project. Then, the sculptor of the primary statue of Abraham Lincoln was Daniel Chester French, and the painter of the interior murals, Jules Guerin. The building around the statue was designed to be the form of a Greek Doric temple, which contains the large seated sculpture of President Lincoln, as well as inscriptions of two of his well-known speeches, "The Gettysburg Address" and his "Second Inaugural Speech". It is also where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, which I found very interesting, because both men were fighting for the social equality of races. This marvelous attraction has been open to the public 24 hours a day. In 2007, it was ranked seventh on the List of America's Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects. Who would have thought that what I thought to be a boring historical site had this fascinating story behind it ? It makes me want to visit it lot more. :)

    Huffbauer, Benjamin, Scott A. Scandage, Christopher A. Thomas, and Donald C. Pfanz. "Lincoln Memorial." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Aug. 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .

    http://www.aviewoncities.com/washington/lincolnmemorial.htm (This site didn't have the publication date or the author's name on it, so I couldn't make a bibliography for it.)

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. The 9/11 memorial is located at the site of the World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan, New York. This memorial honors all the victims in the tragedy of the plane crash on September 11, 2001. The memorial was funded by Senator Daniel K. Inouye, cosponsored by SENATORS Charles E. Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand. They provided for permanent authorization of the funds for the construction of the 9/11 memorial. The construction of the memorial started in August 2006. The construction finished and the memorial was opened on September 11, 2011. The people who designed the beautiful memorial were Michael Arad and Peter Walker. This memorial is a symbol of the victims of 9/11. We will always remember the tragedy of that day.


  33. James Kirwin
    Block 2
    Martin Luther King Memorial

    The Martin Luther King Memorial made in honor of one of our greatest cavil rights leaders in U.S. history is located at West Potomac Park in Washington D.C. and is set right in between the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. It was revealed to the public on August 22, 2011 after being planned for over two decades. The Mastermind behind this piece of history was Chinese artist Lei Yixin. The way that Lei founded this was through found-raisers. We will never forget this man that changed our country forever.
    sources: http://architecture.about.com

  34. James Kirwin
    Block 2
    Martin Luther King Memorial

    The Martin Luther King Memorial made in honor of one of our greatest cavil rights leaders in U.S. history, Martin Luther King Jr.This masterpiece is located at West Potomac Park in Washington D.C. and is set right in between the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. It was revealed to the public on August 22, 2011 after being planned for over two decades. The Mastermind behind this piece of history was Chinese artist Lei Yixin. The way that Lei founded this was through found-raisers. We will never forget this man that changed our country forever.
    sources: http://architecture.about.com
    Sorry i messed up on the 1st one :D

  35. Gina Brancatella Block 4.
    The Benjamin Franklin National Memorial is located in Philadelphia, PA in the area of The Franklin Institute.
    It honors Benjamin Franklin- former writer, inventor, and statesman. The statue is the main piece featured in the memorial hall. This 20 foot tall memorial indicates a valuable statue of Benjamin Franklin seated.
    The 30 short tons standing statue surely made a dent in the Public Law's wallet. The Secretary of the Interior made available for an institute for approximately $10,000,000. However in 2008, the memorial decreased about $3.8 million while installing special effects.
    Bejamin Franklin National Memorial was designed by John T. Windrim and sculpted by James Earle Fraser. This memorial statue was honorably dedicated in 1938. However, congress designated the national memorial 10/25/72. Admission to the memorial is free and this experience shows visitors to continue to appreciate of our Founding Father.
    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin_National_Memorial

  36. Melissa Ngai
    Block 3
    Washington Monument

    The Washington Monument is an obelisk located in Washington D.C., as a tribute to the first United States president, General George Washington. This site is part of the National Mall and Memorial Parks. Specifically it lies near the center of the National mall in between the U.S. Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. It stands as the world's tallest obelisk at 555 feet and 5 1/8 inches tall!
    A group called the Washington National Monument Society held a competition for designs of the memorial in 1836. Architect Robert Mills was the winner who designed the monument. He designed a Greek column surmounted by a statue of the president himself. In 1854, construction halted due to lack of funds during the Civil War. In 1879, Mills' successor ,Thomas Lincoln Casey, resumed to work on the monument. He heavily altered the designs- including redesigning the foundation to make it able to withstand a structure that ultimately weighed over 40,000 tons! The monument is made out of marble, granite, and blue-stone gneiss and over 36,000 individual blocks! The memorial's construction was completed in 1884.
    This memorial was funded from donations raised by the Washington National Monument Society. Also, Congress agreed to propose about $200,000 to resume construction. The monument was dedicated on February 21,1885. Over 800 people attended the dedication speeches. The Washington Monument still stands today in honor of the great man, George Washington.

    Sources:"Washington Monument." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Aug. 2012. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

    "Washington Monument." About.com Washington, DC. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .

    1. Oops! I indented but it didn't show up in the paragraphs. Sorry.
