
Poetry Writing Exercises

How to Edit Your Own Writing

Submit Work on School Web Lockers

Short Story: 10 Tips for Creative Writers

9 Traits of the Sympathetic Character

Grammar Rules You Should Know

Ideas for Short Stories:
Short Story Setting Generator
Short Story Scenerio Generator
Short Story Characterization Generator

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What Is a Journal?
A Journal is a place where writers can observe, record, collect, analyze,create, compare, uncover, capture, and evaluate ideas and thoughts about their world in preparation for moving into larger writing projects.
From your Journal's treasure chest of ideas and observations you can choose something later to develop fully into a story, poem, or some other kind of writing.
A Journal is slightly different from a personal journal or a diary which usually contains just notes and records of daily routines and events. While journals sometimes include observations and reflections, journal content is not usually meant to result in other writing. The Journal, however, is a springboard to writing. It provides the raw material which can become more formal, longer pieces of writing.
A Journal can be any kind of book with blank pages to write on. Whatever
you use, you should decorate the covers. You can use words, drawings, cut out pictures, fabric, or stickers in a way that reflects your personality.

Examples from a Journal
My topics
1. Longwood Gardens – Woman wearing a straw hat decorated with plump,
artificial cherries. Dress – cherry print. People who are odd.
2. Tour bus in Berlin, Germany. Detained on bus. Passport picture lifting.
3. Friendship – the loyalty factor.
4. Tranquil moments. Life’s greatest pleasures.
5. Six o’clock one morning, I awoke to the sound of Ray rummaging through his clothes closet and mumbling to himself. “Ray, what ARE you looking for”? I asked. Ray quickly responded, “I’m trying to find my brown suede vest!”
I was silent for a moment while I tried to process Ray’s comment. It was very early for such a conversation. Suddenly Ray heard me call out, “Ray, you don’t own a brown suede vest!”