Monday, October 15, 2012

Edgar Allan Poe Museum

You can visit the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond, Virginia online!
Go to the site to see personal belongings, orginial manusripts, and drawings by Poe and the people who knew him.  There is also a list of theories people have had over the years about Poe's demise.


  1. I really like this website. It gives you a biography about Edgar Allan Poe's life. I've read one,but this one has more details and explanations. I also like how they put his best work in one thing. The website also has some riddles about him, which i thought was pretty fun to do.
    -Karl Bumanglag

  2. i liked this website because it lets you know information about Edgar Allan Poe`s wonderful life and they showed his best work in a great ways not known to man kind. this website also shows you what his life what like and what was going on in his life. It also tells you the books he wrote and when he wrote them.
    -Chandni Patel Period 2

  3. even though i am not a fan of edgar allen poe's writing pieces, this is a very useful biography about him. this biography helps me understand why his short stories/poems are gloomy-he writes narrative pieces with different characters, settings, names,etc. but it reflects his life and emotions that he carried with him.

  4. This website is a very useful resource for Edgar Allen Poe's very.....interesting life. The reasons for his glum pieces of literature explained a lot, I thought the theories were interesting to read too.

  5. Eredio,
    Can you please discuss and explain which theories you thought were interesting?

  6. The article really explains a lot. His tragic life most likely led to the writing of his mysterious stories. Thinking back to the unfortunate events of his life, like when his parents died, he must have used that information to write about his characters. In "The Tell Tale Heart", the main character, a psycho person, kills an innocent old man just because of his eye. Poe's genre is always some type of horror story, ending up with a surprising ending. With sentences that pull you into the book, you know why Edgar was very successful, and his name was known all over the world.
    -Marissa Palasits
