Saturday, November 3, 2012

Robert Frost

just because....

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.


  1. This poem written by Robert Frost discusses two totally different opinions on how the world may possibly end. Personally I think it would end in fire. But others might think it will end in ice. It could be either way because if the sun disappears there will be no heat and warmth. But if the earth explodes there will be a lot of fire. But I am still young and I don't want to have to worry about the world coming to an end.
    Matthew Pinho

  2. This poem by Robert Frost explains how he believes the world will end. He also includes that in the fourth line that he would be in favor of fire if it were those two options. In the end he explains that either or they would be suffice. This means either way it would be enough. And, hopefully the world doesn`t end on 12/21 in fire or ice because I am still young.
    Matthew Mariner
    Block 4

  3. I posted a comment about this a month ago on my iphone but i guess it didn't work. This poem discusses the many ways Robert Frost would think the world would end in the two opposites fire and ice. He states how he would prefer fire which is ironic because his last name is Frost. I think that the world would end in fire because of the global warming people are talking about. Technically the world wouldn't just burst into flames I think he ment the world getting so hot that all the agriculture would die leading us to go to a slow demise from shortage of food. There could be anouther ice age that could mae the world end in ice. Eithe way both ways would be very bad. I dont really like poems about depressing topics topics I like poems that include deep thoughts. However, I do like Edgar allen Poe's works because of the deep thought needed to understand his writing, even though they are depressing. Back to this poem there wasn't a set syllable pattern but I saw alot of nine syllables per line. This poem is great because it shows some of the inner thoughts and personalitty of Robert Frost but i preffer not to think about the world ending.
    John Piccinic

    1. Sorry I read it over and clicked publish by accident i had a few corrections prefer,either, and make.
      from, John Piccinic
